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Site Rules & Privacy

Privacy Statement Interior Cowboys


Privacy-sensitive data or personal data is processed via this site. Interior Cowboys considers careful handling of personal data of great importance. Personal data is therefore processed and secured by us safely.In our processing, we comply with the requirements of privacy legislation. This means, among other things, that:  


we clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data. We do this via this privacy statement;  


we limit our collection of personal data to only the personal data necessary for legitimate purposes;  


we first ask for your explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where your permission is required;  


we take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require the same from parties that process personal data on our behalf;  


we respect your right to provide your personal data for inspection, correction or deletion at your request.Interior Cowboys is responsible for data processing. In this privacy statement we explain which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose.


We recommend that you read them carefully.This privacy statement was last amended on 08-12-2021.


Use of personal data

When using our service, we obtain certain information from you. That can be personal data. We only store and use the personal data that are provided directly by you, in the context of the service you have requested, or of which it is clear that they are provided to us for processing. We use the following data for the purposes stated in this privacy statement:   cookies; in order to optimize our website.   e-mail addresses; this information is necessary to respond to the questions or comments that are shared with us via the contact form.   names; we process these names to optimize our contact with inquirers


Processing bases

Your permission is requested for the processing of cookies. If you do not provide this, no cookies from you will be processed. The processing of your email address and name is necessary for the representation of our legitimate interest. After all, without this data we cannot respond in a (personalized) way to the questions and comments you leave on the website.


Commercial break

In addition to the information on our website, we can also inform you about our latest developments via Instagram.


Contact form and blog

Through our service we offer the possibility to ask questions by means of a contact form, where you are asked to fill in various details to handle your question. You choose which data you provide. The data you send us will be kept for as long as the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail require for the complete answering and processing thereof.We also offer a blog with which we want to inform interested parties about our latest developments.We will also add a newsletter in due course. Every newsletter contains a link with which you can unsubscribe. If you indicate that you would like to receive this newsletter, your e-mail address will automatically be added to the list of subscribers.



We do not publish your customer data.


Provision to third parties

Our newsletter is sent via MailChimp. To make this possible, we pass on your email address to MailChimp.Our blog is published via Instagram.CookiesOur service only uses functional cookies. These are cookies to improve the functionality of the website.When you visit our service for the first time, a notice is shown in which we explain why we use cookies. We regard your further use of our service as consent to this use of cookies.You are free to disable cookies through your browser. Keep in mind that it is possible that our website will no longer work optimally.We have made agreements with third parties that place cookies about the use of cookies and applications. However, we do not have full control over what the providers of these applications themselves do with the cookies when they read them. For more information about these applications and how they deal with cookies, please see the privacy statements of these parties (note: these can change regularly).


Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of how visitors use our service. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google to make agreements about the handling of our data. Furthermore, we have not allowed Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services, finally we leave the IP addresses

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